
Monday, September 3, 2018

Seize the day

So I took a little time off the blog.  But for a good reason.

I started something and I'm excited where it's going.  But it has taken my time and energy.

And now I'm starting other new things.  Not quite as big as the first, but still worth it to me.

And I'm loving it.

But this post is about making sure you seize the day.  Do it.  Do that thing because now is the time.

The other day I was leaving my driveway with the kid.  In a rush, of course, because life has been hectic and busy.  I noticed our morning glories on the mailbox and went "Oh, I will take a picture of those when I get home, they are pretty."

You know one thing about morning glories?  They are only in the morning only.  So when I got home, this was what I was met with.  Closed up flowers.  And at that moment I had one of those life things where you go "oh, damn".  

I had missed my chance to get a beautiful picture that day, because I wasn't taking the moments to savor what matters.  I was busy, I had shit to do, and in that rush I missed the beauty.

Well, no, I didn't miss it.  I saw it.  But I chose to put it off until later to capture it.

And that's almost worst than missing it.  Because that is just ignoring it.

I ignored the beauty.
And then it all kind of make me think about what I'm missing in life because I'm constantly moving and moving and having to do and do and do.

What am I missing because I've not taken the time to stop and appreciate the flowers.

The answer is so much.

So I knew I needed to slow down a little.

So I did.

The next time I was able, I said no.

I stopped doing and going and just appreciated the slow pace of the day.

And because of that, I was able to go take a picture of these flowers.  These morning glories.

Which are apparently invasive weeds.

But I love them.  On our mailbox anyways....

So the moral of the story, and the answer to where I have been, is that I was taking a break to focus on what matters.  Taking a moment to experience what is going on around me and with me and through me.  

My kid is happy and healthy.  My husband is happy and healthy.  I am finding my happy and working towards my healthy.  

And all in all, I needed this break to appreciate this space more.  I have missed writing.  And now I know how to get back to it.  Because I took that time, I am able to spend the time here.  

And it's wonderful.  

So here's to taking the moment, seizing the day and moving forward with your dreams and yet, at the same time, taking a moment to stop and breathe.  

All at the same time.  

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