
Thursday, December 28, 2017

Gift themes this year

This was the year of music and art.

Almost every gift the kiddo got this year was centered around music or art.  From a table top easel to a big new drawing desk, her art needs are completely taken care of!

She also got an awesome ukulele from her aunt that is just perfection.  She LOVES it.

The amount of art stuffs around my house means that everyone needs to be excited and ready for some baby girl originals!

Hopefully she can nourish her need to create.  We are so lucky to have so many people thinking of her and giving her the gifts she enjoys.

Thank you everyone.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Happy Christmas!!

 Merry Christmas to those of my readers who celebrate!  Someone is very happy with the hat she got right before leaving on vacation.  Everyone should get a hat for the holidays!

May you all have a peaceful and quiet night!  We are off to enjoy the beach!!

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Best friends

Have you ever been truly jealous of your child?

I have.

And it all revolves around her having a best friend.

At 2.

He's also 2.

And they seriously love each other in a way I hope to have a friend love me one day.

I have friends, I even have best friends.  People I would die for.

But there is something about this relationship of theirs that just sparks such a twinge of jealousy in me.

Want to know another thing?  I'm pretty sure my kiddo has more than one bestie.  Honestly, she makes friends so easily, but she seems to just connect with kids in ways that just... astonishes me!  Every time!

And everyone, it's really hard to be jealous of your kid.




But here we are.  She sees her bestie a couple times a week, though I think she could see him every day and still want more time with him.

I just hold hope that as they age and grow, their friendship will continue.

Because when you can you've been best friends since you were 2?

That's something special in life.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

A little vacation

Well we just got back from a little vacation!  We enjoyed a little time away and it was wonderful.

Needless to say there will be no other blog posts this week.

I just wanted to let everyone know!  I will have new ones up next week!

But this week we are in recovery mode and getting the house cleaned up mode!

So have a great week!

Here is a pretty sunset picture going over the mountains.  Ignore the dirty window, it was snowy and salty out there!  

Thursday, December 7, 2017

It's mounted!!

The husband's parents gave us the awesome housewarming gift of a new TV.  Our old TV was losing pixels and honestly we haven't found the remote since we moved... but hey it still works!

Anyway, they got us a pretty new TV.

And the first request I made to him was to please mount it on the wall.

I am terrified the kid will break it.  And if not her then one of the many children we have through here at any given time.  And I don't want anyone feeling bad because their kid broke our TV.

So it took 4ish months, but dammit, it's mounted!

And everyone is pretty happy with it, except baby girl.  She's not a fan that she can't stand at the gate and the TV be right in front of her.

Monday, December 4, 2017

That gift

 When you get that gift.  The one you are ashamed to admit you love so much because it's associated with less than scientific information...
Well I got that gift.  My friend gave me a salt lamp.

And let me just say


It's so pretty.  Look at it's glow.

No I don't think it'll cure my of any ailments... that's not how the real world works.

But it sure does make me feel better because it's pretty to look at.

And the kiddo loves it too!

So yay!