
Monday, October 3, 2016

What you will, and won't, see on this blog

So what is the purpose here of this blog?  What am I trying to accomplish?  What are the goals and shit that you can check off as you look around?

I don't know.

Sounds awesome and exciting, yes?  Sure it does.  You can live in that fantasy world with me.

Basically I wanted to start a blog of my life, because I am a writer and I enjoy writing.  A "daddy blog", as it is often called, seemed appropriate.  Why?  Because I love to talk about my husband and my kiddo.  I am THAT friend.  You know the one... the guy who posts too many pictures on facebook of his precious baby.  The guy who always asks "Is this a kid friendly event?" and doesn't show up if it isn't (mostly because he can't find a babysitter...).  The guy who is always quick to whip out his phone to show you pictures of his precious child.  Yes, I am that guy.

And it's okay, I've accepted my fate as that guy.

But in an attempt to not overwhelm my friends with silly stories that they couldn't care less about I decided to start a blog!  To annoy strangers with those stories.  Solid plan!

So on this blog you will see a lot of parenting stories.  A lot of funny, random shit my kiddo does (because she is awesome!) and a lot of blunders and funny stories about us as first times parents.  There will probably also be some sad stories, some uplifting stories, some not so great stories... because I want to paint a more complete picture of life as gay dads.

I also will warn you I type like I talk.  There are no special editing tricks.  Things will be random, and often time there will be a lot of parenthesis (because I like them!).  It's just me, nothing more, nothing less.

What you won't see, at least for now, is pictures that show faces.  I know, no blogger can stay anonymous forever.  And I don't really care to.  I just don't want pictures of my family plastered all over the internet, right now.  I have had some not so great experiences with pictures in the past and for now, they will stay off the blog.  Though you might see some headless pictures, because my kid does wear cute clothes, or a picture of perfectly done curls... I am super proud of my ability to do her hair now.  Anyway, that's just how it is gonna be, for now.

So hopefully you will enjoy this random blog.  And if not, it's okay, there's a little x in the corner you can click out from.  I promise I won't take offense.

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