
Thursday, February 2, 2017

You do what type of parenting?

It seems there is always an argument over the best "parenting style".  Everyone wants to know.. do you practice gentle parenting?  What about attachment parenting?  RIE?

When I mention that I practice common sense parenting, they just don't get it.

You see, I do not do just one parenting style.  I am not a big fan of one way only to do something.  There are many ways to achieve goals.  There are many ways to make sure things are done in a manner that works and is not breaking something before fixing it. 

Yes, there are some things I don't do.  I will not spank my child.  Science has shown me that is not okay.  I won't shame my child, I don't want to be shamed, why would I shame someone else, especially someone I love so much as her. 

But there are always people.  The people who know they are right and won't take your answer as anything but assuming you haven't done the research. 

Look at this goofball.  Perfect.
"Well, this parenting style is obviously superior because it does this!"

"This parenting style gives my child the ability to do this!

"I can't believe you would even think of doing something other than this parenting style!!!"

And they go on to give examples of children who are well beyond where your child is and tell you if you were doing it THEIR way, you would have such an amazing child too.
Funny part is... I have a pretty damn amazing child.  She's funny.  She's brilliant.  She's beautiful.  She's everything I ever wanted for in a child.  And no parenting style would give me a change that I think would be more important than just listening to my kid. 

Sure, I wish she spoke logical complete sentences so I could understand what she wants when she's crying at 2 am and I've tried everything I know how to do. 

Sure I wish she could drive me places so I could sleep in the backseat like she does!

Sure, I wish she could cook gourmet meals by reading the recipe and knowing exactly how to work that spatula to flip the sausages. 

Shoes... her favorite playthings are shoes...
But she can't, because she is a toddler.  And that is okay.  Someday, someday she hopefully will be able to do all those things.  But if she can't, that's okay too. 

I think it's really really important to focus on your child vs your parenting philosophy. 

Focus on who your child is, and who you hope they become.  Don't put pressure on them to achieve greatness while still in diapers (or a toddler age for those who EC with their babes).  Don't make your parenting style more important than your child and their actual needs, wants, and abilities. 
I do common sense parenting because I just listen to my girl.  Sure, sometimes I get it wrong.  But listening to her is more important than always being right. 

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