
Monday, August 28, 2017

Lunch time!

So I am trying something new with baby girl.  With having limited mobility due to surgery complications, I have been trying to make things as simple as possible since my husband has gone back to work.

Enter lunch boxes!

Simple lunch things I can have help making the night before that I can pull out and share with the baby throughout the afternoon.

I have only done two (and apparently only got a picture of one, whoops!) but it has worked pretty well.  It is nice to have something simple to pull out of the fridge and just set out for her.

It's also nice to have things already made for me so I don't have to use my energy to think.

So for this day it was a sandwich, grapes, and pineapples and cottage cheese for me.  For her it was a little homemade lunchable... chicken deli meat, cheese, crackers, grapes, and mini pepperonis.  She ate a bit of it, but she munched on it all day, which was great for not needing to get a bunch of snacks out all day.

I highly recommend this method!  And we may even continue when I have full mobility back again.

And the best part is we are usually home, so if we want something else, we just make something else and keep that lunch for the next day.

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