
Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Keeping kids busy during doctor visits

So one thing baby girl has become an expert at is going to the doctor with me.  She's always gone with me, but when you have complications from surgery, you tend to go more often than just the twice a year.

So this post is all about how to keep kids busy while you are at the doctors.

The first one is to find a child friendly doctor!  I know this is easier said that done sometimes, but I have found that just letting the first person you speak with to make an appointment know that your child will be coming with you, they will tell you if that is okay or not.  If it's not, I say cancel the appointment and find another doctor, if you can.

Second tip is have something they love doing, but aren't generally allowed to do, with you so they can enjoy their time.  For baby girl, that is coloring with pen in a notebook.  She loves it.  I hate when she does it, because she doesn't always keep to the paper at home.  But at the doctor, no problem at all.

Bring books!  Lots and lots of books!  I found that baby girl will sit and read 2 or 3 books over and over while I'm talking to the doctor.  I was amazed the first time it happened.

The tablet.  I know, screen time is controversial, but honestly it works.  Baby girl is learning how to work her own tablet, so she can watch a movie or play a game with little help from me.

Be prepared to ask questions again, and probably bring your own notebook in order to write down answers, just in case you get distracted and forget by the time you get home.

And finally, let the kiddo have a little fun.  We were the only ones in the waiting room this last time, and so I happily let baby girl crawl over chairs.  Sure, maybe not the most hygienic thing to do.  There are germs everywhere in doctor waiting rooms.  But she loved having a little freedom and sat better in the appointment when given that freedom.

I've found doctors here absolutely love when baby girl comes with me.  They love interacting with her and don't mind having to speak around a very talkative 2 year old.

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