
Wednesday, September 6, 2017


Of course one of the most exciting times about August is the local Pride celebration.

Now, we are gay... so of course Pride is huge for us.  Pride is a riot that has turned into a celebration that may be needing to turn back into a riot.  Who knows in our currently climate what Pride will hold.

But this year, it held us and our friends!  We had a big group and just had so much fun!  I'm just gonna basically do a photo dump of pictures from everything.


Day one:

My shirt.  I am super proud of my shirt because it is the perfect description of me.  :-D

My baby is cooler than yours.  Traveling in style with her new pink glasses and multicolor beads. Her wagon was FULL of free goodies vendors were more than happy to throw at her during the entire event!
Traveling in style.  When baby gets tired in her wagon, she just laid down.  She got MORE stuff thrown at her for being so cute laying down!

This picture just melts my heart.  This is another of baby girl's friends, and they were soooo cute riding in this wagon together. They really are holding hands, on purpose.  How cute is that!!

Day 2, The Parade!:

These were our second day Pride shirts!  Oh yes, we were the group that made shirts!  And they were perfect.

The little boy in the tutu is also one of our group.  He's baby girl's bestie and holy fuck isn't he adorable with bat wings and a tutu?!

 The parade was a lot of fun and I think as the kiddos age they will have even more fun watching and participating.  The oldest kid member of our group enjoyed getting a lot of candy and yelling as loud as she could.  It was awesome.

So all in all I count Pride as a win win win!

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