
Monday, March 5, 2018

When did she get so big

Baby girl, I am constantly amazed as you grow.

You are getting so big.  And so amazing.  And so awesome.

You were always those things, but as you grow and your personality comes out, I am seeing this more and more.

I am getting to know you.

Your loves, your hates, your fears, your triumphs, your failures, your amazingness.

And it is amazing.

As I watch you grow, I realize that I am not ready for you to continue growing, but I am also excited to see who you become.

It is quite the conflict of emotions.

I've been with you since the day you were born.

Watching you grow, struggle, overcome.

And I love every second.

You have grown into someone awesome and amazing.

Someone who brightens my life.

Who brightens the life everyone you meet.

You are amazing.

Thank you.

For so much.

But most of all for just being you.

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