
Monday, May 1, 2017

The need to slow down

Working on new materials sent by the
awesome grandparents!
Since moving, we have had a super busy life.  We have play dates at least twice a week, every weekend is taken up with doing family things, and recently we've been hanging out with friends on a 3rd day of the week. 

Baby girl has a social life many people dream of having!

But with that social life comes the inability to have a routine of any kind.  When you live an hour away from most things, you learn to make do and hope she sleeps in the car to and from events. 
Look at the cast iron getting all pretty!

Lately though, I've been feeling this need to slow down.  To just stay home more.  To relax.  This need has really had me a bit messed up.  Because while *I* have this need, the kiddo has other needs.  The need to get out of the house before she goes stir crazy is at the top of the list. 

So we compromise. 

She gets out of the house almost every single day, but I get every couple Friday's to do nothing. 

And it works.

Today for instance, we hung out in our jammies until almost 4pm.  I had some cast iron I needed to strip and reseason and she had some toys she needed to stare at and play with.  It was a glorious day of just relaxing and resting.  Granted, she took only a miniscule nap, but that's another story all together!

Rest days are probably my favorite.  As an introvert, I enjoy being at home.  I enjoy the resting, the relaxing, the having no social expectations, and especially the staying in jammies all day!  And I think I have made these rest days still stimulating enough for the kid!  Hopefully. 

No clue.  She was just sitting there staring.

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