
Monday, May 7, 2018

Garden failure

You can kind of see the lettuce up top there!
So by now, we should have had a pretty nice harvest of our spring greens.  Lettuce, spinach, and cabbage mostly.

But we haven't.

We had a massive garden failure.

And I wish I knew why, but in reality I don't.

I do know it looks like the lettuce is TRYING to come up.  The little sprouts could be lettuce.

Or they could be volunteer strawberries that we can't get rid of.

I'm giving them the time they need in order to figure it out.

Worse comes to worst, we have strawberries!

I can't see that as a bad thing.

So many volunteer strawberry plants
Zero volunteer greens
However, I am still incredibly sad we haven't had anything pop up yet.

I keep telling baby girl we are going to make a salad from the garden.

I'm pretty sure she doesn't believe me when I say we are going to eat these things.

She gives me that "papa, I'm not eating dirt" look.

Because trust me, she's a child who has never eaten dirt.  My little clean child.

So for now we mourn the spring garden.  I'm hopeful we can get replanted because it gets overwhelmingly hot outside.  Maybe salvage a few greens this year before it bolting (which is fine, seed collection and all).

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